Terms and Conditions of Membership (GLEN)

By signing up to our Terms and Conditions you consent to allowing GLEN to send you emails detailing News, Events, Activities, and Opportunities being offered by GLEN and by trusted partners.

We will never use this consent to send you 3rd party marketing or advertising, other than where it relates to GLEN’s own activities.

All information and unique content such as logos, graphics, videos, and blogs on both the website (https://glenetwork.org) and in any email correspondence or social media output remain the intellectual property of GLEN – the Gambling Lived Experience Network.

By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions you are committing to abide by the network’s guidelines on language, privacy, abuse, and respect.

At no time will GLEN tolerate language or behaviour which is discriminatory, offensive, or intended to create or foster stigma.

All members must show due respect to others even where they do not share their beliefs or opinions.

Our Equity and EDI statement explains our policy on these issues.

Any privileged or personal information derived from use of this site, or from materials included in emails or social media posts, including in comments made on such posts by others, should be considered private and confidential and should not be shared out with our network except with express permission of GLEN.

If we feel that you have breached any of these conditions we reserve the right to remove you from our membership and mailing lists and will contact you to explain our actions and the reasons behind these. You will retain the right to appeal this action.

If you have any complaints about material on our site or in emails and marketing which you have received please contact us on info@glenetwork.org outlining your concerns and we will investigate and then respond appropriately.

If you wish to remove consent please use the unsubscribe button on our emails, or contact us at info@glenetwork.org asking us to remove you from our mailing list and/or membership register.