Money and Mental Health – Gambling Harms Action Lab Briefing

GLEN will be hosting a presentation by the Money and Mental Health Police Institute (MSE Martin Lewis’ charity) to explain the important work which they are doing around involving Banks and other Financial institutes in developing new and better ways of helping detect and prevent customers from experiencing harms caused through gambling. The presentation will touch upon the newly launched Gambling Harms Action Lab, and will explain how participants can register to add their own expertise and understanding of gambling and financial harms to MMH’s expanding body of Community Researchers, and thus help put Lived Experience at the heart of helping protect everyone.

The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday 22nd January and will run from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

Before the presentation there will also be a short discussion, starting from 6pm, for participants to take part in an open discussion about how GLEN can better serve the Gambling Harms Lived and Living Experience community through local empowerment.

If you would like to attend the MMH Presentation then please register your interest by emailing and including MMH in the subject line.